organic Farming

Organic Farming for Sustainable Development - organic monk

Organic Farming for Sustainable Development!

What is Sustainable Organic Farming? Sustainable organic farming is a method of agriculture that emphasizes the use of natural inputs and processes to cultivate crops and raise livestock in a way that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. In sustainable organic farming, farmers avoid using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Instead, they …

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Profit in Organic Farming in India -organic monk

How Profitable is Organic Farming in India?

Overview The profitability of organic farming in India can vary depending on several factors. The factors such as the location, crop type, scale of farming, and market demand. In general, organic farming is more profitable than conventional farming in India due to the higher prices of organic products. This can command in domestic and export …

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Organic Farming in India – organic monk

What is Organic Farming in India – Types, Methods & Advantages

Organic farming is a concept that has been followed since ancient times in India thus it is not a new concept of farming. Farming that uses natural manure and fertilizers, supports the sustainable use of resources and does not harm soil and environment. In addition, organic farming uses only biological fertilizers obtained from animal and …

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Benefits of Perusing Organic Farming - organic monk

Screening out the Benefits of Perusing Organic Farming

The use of chemicals in farming elated many due to the rapid explosion in total yields and effective results. In the introductory phase of chemical-based farming, the soil health was normal, and no such damage was noticeable from the chemical fertilizers. Pests didn’t have any resistance to synthetic fertilizers and new technology was highly accepted …

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Facts You Must know about Organic Farming - organic monk

Important Facts You Must Acknowledge Before Stepping into Organic Farming

Organic farming is getting mainstream as many people are opting for health and a healthy lifestyle. Even though most of the available agricultural land is used for conventional farming, many farmers are willingly switching to organic farming due to the rising demand for organic food products. Here are some of the key facts one must …

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