Benefits of Perusing Organic Farming - organic monk

Screening out the Benefits of Perusing Organic Farming

The use of chemicals in farming elated many due to the rapid explosion in total yields and effective results. In the introductory phase of chemical-based farming, the soil health was normal, and no such damage was noticeable from the chemical fertilizers. Pests didn’t have any resistance to synthetic fertilizers and new technology was highly accepted around the world.

The introductory phase of chemical farming was believed to be revolutionary, yet in recent times the devastating impact of using chemical fertilizers is surfacing, and many farmers are willingly switching back to traditional organic farming practices.

Conventional farming involves numerous life-threatening challenges and leads to a host of medical problems like lung infections, cancer, poising, and polluting the environment. On the bright side, the organic farming technique involves the cultivation of plants and the rearing of animals in natural ways. Organic farming includes biological resources for farming and excludes any synthetic or chemical-based fertilizers or pesticides.

Benefits of Organic Farming

Organic farming is safe for human health, and it even protects the environmental pollution and keeps our nature clean. Moreover, organic farming also excludes any use of genetically modified organisms or plant seeds. It completely relies on natural bio-friendly farming principles i.e. crop rotation, green manure, organic waste, biological pest control, and mineral-based additives.

Farmers practicing organic farming use pesticides and fertilizers if they are organic and chemical-free. Use of any petrochemical-based products is prohibited in organic farming, and farmers at times stumble upon how to improve their overall yield with so many restrictions. This makes understanding the fundaments of organic farming much more important.

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements an international organization established in 1972 for organic farming organizations defines the goal of organic farming: “Organic farming is a process of systematically implying natural farming techniques for sustaining the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological progressions, biodiversity, and sequences adapted to local conditions.

What Makes Organic Farming Different From Conventional Farming?

In conventional farming, farmers lay down seeds after fumigating their farm by using harsh chemicals to exterminate any naturally existing fungicides. Farmer has to fertilize the soil using petroleum-based fertilizers. On the other hand, the organic farmer has to prepare and enrich his land before sowing. Farmers can sprinkle natural-based fertilizers like dried leaves and manure or animal waste like cow dunk.

Conventional farmers soak their seeds in a chemical solution to set aside any fungal or pest attacks. Many farmers also use chemicals in the irrigation water to better protect their sown seeds from getting infected. On the flip side, farmers practicing organic farming do not soak their seeds in any synthetic solution.

Organic farmers do not use any chemical pesticides in their irrigation process; even the use of chlorinated water is also prohibited. Farmers generally depend on natural irrigation sources like groundwater, rainwater, or other water bodies.

Convention fares also use chemicals like weedicides to eliminate any unwanted plant saplings on their land, but organic farming manually sets asides any weed in their land. Many farmers also take the assistance of special animals that only attack weeds and organically eliminate them keeping the harvest secure and healthy.


Keeping aside all the above-mentioned facts, it would be a no-brainer that organic produce is safe for human consumption and the food grown using the conventional farming technique is unsafe for health and eventually leads to different medical conditions. If you are looking for organic farmland in pavagada, then Organic Monk is your best bet to grab on suitable curated farmland for a great return on investment.

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