Organic Fruit and Veggies - organic monk

How to Grow Organic Fruit and Veggies at Home in 5 Easy Steps

With six out of ten Australians purchasing organics in any given year, the popularity of organically grown food isn’t going away. Plant-based diets aren’t either, with Roy Morgan Research revealing 2.25 million Australian vegetarians aged 18 and up. These trends are mirrored by gardening brand Yates, which has seen an increase in inquiries about growing organically at home from their team of qualified Horticulturalists. Angie Thomas, a Yates horticulture consultant, says that more people are enquiring about how to grow their own organic fruit and vegetables but are unsure of where to begin.

Angie has put together her comprehensive guide on starting an organic garden to make things easier:

  • Improve Your Soil’s Quality.

Set yourself up for success by incorporating a high-quality organic matter source into your soil, such as Yates Dynamic Lifter. You will encourage beneficial earthworms and soil microorganisms by doing so. Yates Dynamic Lifter also improves soil water and nutrient retention to support strong plant growth that is more resistant to pests and diseases. Make your own compost,

2.Composting will significantly improve the quality of your organic produce grown at home as well as assist reduce the amount of organic waste dumped in landfills. Find the best compost system for you by doing some research, or buy a compost bin from your neighbourhood hardware store. Kitchen leftovers, garden trimmings, and lawn clippings should be set aside for your compost bin before being dug into garden beds.

  • Plant A Diverse Range of Plants

Growing a diverse range of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers will not only provide you with a wider range of organic produce to enjoy, but it will also attract beneficial insects and animals to the garden, reducing the number of pest insects. Planting vegetables from the same plant family in the same location year after year can increase the risk of pests and diseases.

  • Pest control

Check your plants on a regular basis for signs of insect or disease attack so you can squish the odd aphid, pick off a caterpillar or two, or remove a diseased leaf before the infestation worsens. For larger insect or disease problems, use a spray that has been certified for use in organic gardening, such as Yates Nature’s Way Vegie & Herb Spray.

  • Make use of organic plant foods.

Use a good soil improver like Yates Dynamic Lifter to help keep your garden healthy and strong. It is a great source of slow-release organic nutrients that is ACO certified, ensuring that you have a truly organic garden.

2 thoughts on “<strong>How to Grow Organic Fruit and Veggies at Home in 5 Easy Steps</strong>”

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